We use an international grading scale to rate the condition of our bags. For more information, click here.

We carefully source our vintage bags from esteemed suppliers and consignors around the globe, ensuring a diverse and unique selection. Our international partnerships allow us to offer you exclusive and authentic high-fashion pieces that elevate any wardrobe.

We authenticate every vintage handbag using Entrupy, a cutting-edge technology trusted for verifying luxury goods. This advanced system analyzes microscopic images of each item to confirm its authenticity, providing you with peace of mind and a certificate of authenticity with your purchase.

Due to the unique nature of our vintage handbags, all sales are final. This policy ensures that each piece remains as pristine as possible for its new owner and helps us maintain the integrity and exclusivity of our carefully curated collection.

Yes! We offer personalized sourcing services to help you find the perfect vintage handbag. Let us know what you're looking for, and we'll scour the globe to bring your dream bag to your doorstep